Scheduling Actions
Print File
Schedule a Print Job to a connected printer when report is generated.
If a report is saved as HTML, it will output both <report>.html and an images folder containing a .png of the report. Both parts need to be present to view the report properly.
The Scheduled Email Action will distribute a Report via email when it is finished. Emails can be provided either by adding a list of emails in the Action interface, or by choosing from configured Rosters and User Roles. The sending address, email subject, email body and file name are all configurable. Subject, Filename and Body editors can utilize Expressions to dynamically add content or change names.
Email Server settings must first be established in the Gateway by going to Configuration > Email Settings. Once you created and saved an SMTP profile you can test your email settings on the Email settings page.
With an SMTP profile functional, simply fill out the fields of your Email Action for scheduled reports to be emailed on completion.
Run Script